The GEM Daughters Network

is a community focused on supporting women and girls who are experiencing or have experienced a dysfunctionalabsent, abusive, disconnected, flawed, and unattachedfather-to-daughter relationship

if this describes your experience, consider joining us for our 2-Day Virtual Event on Father’s Day Weekend as we hold space to help:

Reclaim, Redefine, & Recreate Your Life!

Date & Time

Click the arrow to confirm your timing, according to your time zone.



Decoding the Theme

Forgiveness is a buzzword often flung around. Many who associate with or disassociate themselves from forgiving often say how ready or not they are to forgive. The problem with this state of being is that forgiveness is perceived as a feeling that fluctuates. Rather, forgiveness is an action—the act of letting go in order to gain back. Forgiveness frees you to truly enjoy what you seek!

Have you ever wondered why you feel stuck in certain areas of your life? Do you genuinely believe that you can remain stuck in one aspect of your life while remaining stuck in all others? Do you see your inability to forgive as connected to the dysfunctional father-to-daughter relationship cycle you’ve experienced or are experiencing? Do you understand that the principle of ‘addition by subtraction’ is related to forgiving?

If you are ready to do the inner work to truly enjoy the beauty that forgiveness brings, then consider attending this virtual retreat.

If you are ready to unlock the inner possibilities within you, then waste no further time and head along to register for this event.

If you are ready to move toward reclaiming, redefining, and recreating your life, then get ready to be transformed at the event.

Make room for YOU! In this 2-day weekend experience, choose to focus on yourself to get clarity on who you are and what is possible for you. It's time to move past your inner pain and the defense mechanisms that have kept you bound. Rather, it's time to seek clarity and start harnessing the potential and gems within you. Come unlock the possibilities that forgiveness brings, and watch yourself blossom with the practical tools we will offer—the tools to forgive what you can't forget!

It Promises To Be An Immersive, Interactive, and Intensive EXPERIENCE

“We can’t change what we have experienced, but we can choose how the experiences change us.”

— Lysa Terkeurst, Forgiving What You Can’t Forget.

Retreat Details

For whom

Women and girls who grew up or are presently experiencing an absent, disconnected, and flawed father-to-daughter relationship.

When to attend

Father’s Day Weekend: Friday and Saturday, June 14th & 15th at 10 am - 3 pm (EST - Eastern Time)

What to bring

We would need your FULL presence. If possible, bring your embodied and authentic past, present, and future self.

How to participate

First register and you will receive the link to the virtual meeting in your email a few days prior.

Your Investment

Your willingness to learn and commitment to apply your learnings. This is a free event brought to you by The GEM Daughters Network.

What do you need

Stable internet connection, a device with a microphone and camera, a handout, a pen, and writing material.

“The absence of a father in childhood forever changes the shape of a daughter’s identity—how she views the world herself. Not only is her connection to the first and most important man in her life sharply curtailed or extinguished, but all her perceptions, all her decisions, all her future relationships are filtered through that early, unimaginable, ineffable loss.”

— Victoria Secunda, Women and Their Fathers.

Meet Doris E. Wesley, Ph.D.

Founder/Lead Visionary

Dr. Doris Wesley is an award-winning university communication and conflict pracademic—an academic and a practitioner, a global peacebuilder, and a social impact entrepreneur, who founded The GEM Daughters Network. She equips individuals, organizations, institutions, and communities with the necessary skills to transform conflict at any level using proprietary methodologies and proven multimodal communication strategies.

As an academic, her research and teaching employ communication and peacebuilding approaches to transform multi-dimensional conflict-related contexts in Africa and the United States. As a practitioner, she works with several international and local communities and populations, including brave women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa who use traditional indigenous intelligence and leverage digital tools to build resilience in their communities in challenging times. As a social entrepreneur, she focuses on supporting women and girls who have experienced (or are experiencing) an absent, disconnected, unattached, unavailable, and flawed father-to-daughter relationship.

The synergy of these three interconnected expressions is directly related to my experience and deeper understanding of how the effects, impacts, symptoms, and archetypes can shape the minds and hearts of daughters.

I understand the challenges women and girls who grew up or are growing up without fathers face. I, too, grew up without a father-to-daughter relationship. I understand the conflicting effects that come with such experience: the multiplicity of narratives, the shame, the rage, the anger, the fears, the labels, the lies, the low self-image, the overarching feelings and needs, the challenges with trust and commitment, the secrets deep inside of the past, the abuse, the difficulties in sustaining healthy lasting relationships and intimacy, the cravings, the independent drive for success, the issues around money and men, the unanswered questions, the numerous conclusions, the identity crisis, the soul searching, and the unending patterns. I can see these impacts from afar. This is why my heart is with YOU.

Join me on an intense 2 Days of Total Transformation on Father’s Day Weekend as I, alongside other brave women from around the world, hold space to help YOU metamorphosize into a priceless GEM. I hope to see you in the room!





Where 2023 Attendees Joined From:

  • Currently, this event is open to all women and girls from ages 15 and above, who are willing to maximize their potential! Feel free to invite and register other interested women and girls.

  • Unfortunately, we do not give access to recordings. So we highly suggest you attend both sessions to benefit from the intensive, immersive, and interactive virtual event.

  • The virtual event format provides experiences for participants to get out of their comfort zone and s-t-r-e-t-c-h themselves. These are not "information only" gatherings — no "Zoom-snoozing" here! They are engaging, participatory experiences that will also include group interactions with specific topics and exercises; in-depth sessions; opportunities for Q and A; and solo time to integrate your learning. Your full presence and participation are being counted on.

Frequently Asked Questions

Didn’t find the answer here? Don’t hesitate to Contact Us and we’ll be more than happy to help you!

Support Our Mission

The GEM Daughters Network is a non-profit organization focused on supporting women and girls who are experiencing or have experienced a dysfunctional father-to-daughter relationship. We are on a mission to help ONE MILLION women and girls transform their experiences, recognize their value, harness their true potential, and redesign a purposeful future for themselves. We help these women and girls by providing them with (digital) resources, mentorship, opportunities, and a loving community to inspire, transform, and empower themselves.

Donate To Our Mission

The GEM Daughters Network is registered with the Internal Revenue Services as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

…transforming “daddyless daughters” into priceless GEMS